Focusing on animated short and experimental film, we present highly recognized artists and directors from the international scene as well as new and emerging independent artists and storytellers.
We aim to showcase and promote a diverse and original program of compelling imagery and storytelling with an independant and rare spirit.
We accept narrative and none narrative film, video art, computer animation (2D & 3D), music videos, traditional animation and stop-motion animation on any topic, from every country around the world.
The first three editions of SEAFF were held at Zita and Rio, two of Stockholm’s oldest and finest cinemas.
SEAFF enriches and provides Stockholm and Scandinavia with a piece of the great diversity of ambitious and qualitative films made internationally.
The festival has been given attention in both Swedish and international press and has been supported by the cultural department of Stockholm City and by the Art Grant Committee in Sweden.
The purpose and goal with SEAFF is to draw attention to filmmakers who through their versatility, artistic originality and creativity leave an unique impression on the art of film.