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Bay of plenty Milva Stutz

SEAFF IV | Bay of Plenty | Milva Stutz

The animation film Bay of Plenty describes the journey of discovery of a fictional, virtual island world. By means of a first-person camera perspective, the audience engages with and becomes part of the events. They encounter creatures who transcend categories such as male/ female, artificial/natural, animal/human and who are constantly changing the form of their bodies. Together, they explore possibilities of overcoming their physical boundaries and learn how to create new (life) conditions.

Milva Stutz was bown 1985 in Zurich, a visual artist, she lives and works in Zurich. Her work was shown internationally in exhibitions and at film festivals, most recently, at the DOK Leipzig- International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Films, at the Guanajuato International Film Festival and at the Kyiv International Short Film Festival, among others. She works with experimental animated film and is interested in the relation between body, intimacy and technology from a queerfeminist perspective. Stutz studied fine arts, art mediation and illustration in Zurich, Lucerne and Edinburgh. She is a lecturer at the Zurich University of the Arts and at the Bern University of the Arts and has given workshops, seminars and artist talks at various universities and institutions including the Academy of Art and Design Basel, the Kunsthaus Baselland, the Kunstmuseum St.Gallen, the Goethe-Institute Alexandria and the Boomfest St.Petersburg.
