Postpartum Henriette Rietz

SEAFF IV | Postpartum | Henriette Rietz

The animated film »POSTPARTUM« is about the chaotic phase in life of a new mother. Pumped up with hormones and lacking sleep, this intense time has burned deep into the protagonist’s heart. This film is an honest and very personal insight into the world of an overwhelmed mother, who seriously thought that parental leave would become a sort of sabbatical.

Henriette Rietz is a Berlin based visual storyteller with an edgy, loud and straight forward style. As her alter ego Herzette, her core work is focused on illustration, gif-animation and art. With her animated short film »POSTPARTUM« (original title: »WOCHENBETT«) she is stepping into the short film scene and transformed officially into a filmmaker and director. // For over three years Henriette has been the Artdirector and Editorial Designer of the »JUICE«, Germany’s biggest Hip Hop Magazine. In 2015 she published her first animation short film »WHAT DID YOU DO?« online, where she reflects about the time after graduating from university. Since she became a mum in 2017, she only has time for really cool projects.